Alan Cherry, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus of Accounting, College of Business Administration

  • Los Angeles CA UNITED STATES



You can contact Alan Cherry at

Alan Cherry retired from LMU in 2014 after 31 years as an accounting professor at the College of Business Administration. Highlights from his accomplished career at LMU include helping transform the Department of Accounting into a nationally-recognized program, forming the Accounting Advisory Board in 2000, spearheading the Paul A. Grosch endowment fund, and increasing alumni engagement and financial support for scholarships. Prior to LMU, Alan taught at USC, the University of Maryland, California State University, Los Angeles, and UCLA. He is a member of the American Accounting Association, served on the editorial board for Advances in Accounting and Advances in Accounting Education, and consulted for several law firms and the District Attorney's Office. He has published research-based articles, case studies, and textbook supplements, and made numerous presentations at academic conferences. A native of New York, Alan earned his Ph.D. and B.S. degrees from UCLA and a B.B.A. from Baruch College - The City University of New York.






Baruch College - The City University of New York


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